When you purchase a new phone, you’ll be wondering what to do with your old one. Rather than throwing it away, you should try and sell it. You can make back a surprising amount of money if you’ve kept it in good condition and by promoting the reuse of phones you can do your bit for the environment. Read on to find out the steps you should take before selling your phone.
Back-Up Your Data And Erase It Afterwards
You don’t want to lose your data when you switch phones, but it’s also important to ensure that the next user can’t access your data. To sort this out, you’ll need to begin by backing up your data. You can download your data onto your computer ready to transfer it to your next phone by using google on an android device and iCloud for an apple device. Once you’ve finished your backup, you should erase all your data from your old phone.
Remove the iCloud Lock
When you sell your iPhone 8, there’ll be extra layers of security to deal with. One of these is the iCloud lock. This is the lock that you need to pass to be able to download apps and access the cloud from your phone. If you’re planning on selling your device you should log out of the cloud – this can allow the new user to sign in themselves and will set you up for a factory reset.
Remove the Sim Card and SD Card
The next step is to remove any accessories that could reveal your data. You must take out the sim card – either to transfer to your new phone or to avoid someone else taking it. Plus, if you have an SD card for additional storage you should remove this too.
Reset The Phone To Factory Settings
Finally, to completely wipe your phone, you should reset it to factory settings. This will mean that the next user will have no trace of you on the phone. They’ll receive it with no apps, data, web history or cookies from your time using the phone.
Selling your phone can give you a neat financial boost before purchasing your new one. Just ensure that you follow the advice above and keep yourself safe by clearing all your data before selling it to the next user.