When people hear the words escort service, they usually think it’s just another fancy term for prostitution. So, it’s common to use both terms interchangeably. But are they the same thing? Perhaps, they are similar and could yet convey the same message when used in the right context? Besides, what are the legal implications of being in escort service or prostitution?
We know this may be a sensitive subject for some people to discuss, but that’s exactly the reason why a lot of misconceptions and speculations are rife when it comes to the activities performed by a call escort.
In this article we try to answer these questions and other related ones you may have, both in a general sense and what’s legally obtainable.
What is an Escort?
Legally speaking, an escort is any person or persons, who are available to the public for accompaniment or companionship in exchange for money or something of value. Speaking plainly, it is someone who you pay to spend time with you. And the many ways could happen – by accompanying you to a social event, joining you for a couple of drinks, seeing a movie together, or anything of that sort.
It is easy to assume that an escort is always a female, which is not true. Although female escort services remain the most popular, there are male escorts who also offer the same service to anyone interested. The escort industry is certainly not reserved for female escorts alone.
Let us tackle those who offer the service or opportunity to use an escort.
What is an Escort Service?
An escort service is a business that arranges for an escort and a patron (customer) to meet. Before these escort companies or ‘bureaus’ are allowed to operate, they must meet certain legal obligations and obtain the required licenses. Most escort companies usually operate a site to help facilitate business between an escort and their patrons.
The escort site helps both the escorts and the escort patrons achieve their objectives cleanly. Individuals who are looking to hire the services of an escort can browse these sites to register their preferences. While an escort can also see verified information of the person who is interested in socializing with them.
How to Find an Escort Service
Many people think finding an escort service should be easy. We believe so too but to ensure your expectations are met and you don’t get involved in anything that is not illegal, you must look in the right places.
First, the escort company that you deal with must be operating legally and with the required license. This will help you eliminate the risk of hiring underage escorts or trafficked foreign sex workers.
Step 1: find an escort for the occasion
To ensure you have a worthwhile experience, the most important thing is to select a good escort for the occasion you are entertaining. Where do you find them? You can look at where escorts are advertised. You may turn to local escort sites in your area. However, the best place to start is the larger escort service. This way, you reduce the risks of dealing with a scam or illegal website. You can also read escort reviews that previous patrons have left on the profile of the escorts to help you decide.
Step 2: making the call or appointment
After finding and choosing an escort from the service, it’s time to make the appointment or set up the meeting. The purpose of placing a call with your choosing escort is to book the appointment and nothing else. Before you actually make the call, you must have all the basics covered. You want to carry out all the research about the escort you want to go out with beforehand. They usually have some kind of profile where you can read background information about your selection.
You should know the where and when of your preferred appointment. It’s also better to have some alternatives should your first choice not be available. The more flexible you are about your schedule, the more likely that you’ll secure an appointment.
Speaking calmly and plainly. Like you’re speaking to one of your buddies. But go straight to the point. Make it reasonably short and do not try to chit-chat about random things. You can do all of those when both of you finally meet.
Step 3: Prepare for your date
How you prepare for your date is slightly different if you’re going over to their place (incall) or they are coming to a place of your choosing (outcall). Since outcall means you’re host, it requires a little bit more preparation. Nothing out of the ordinary is expected of you – tidiness, hygiene, and a bottle of water will do.
Outcall arrangements are the most popular since you typically dictate the settings of the events you both attend. You can easily get Outcall Escorts from any large or your regional escort service.