If you’re considering a trip to Burlingame, California, you’ve probably wondered how to interpret the weather there. Here are some of the key elements of the local weather: cloudy, mostly clear, low precipitation chances, average surface temperature, and time of day. If you’re interested in beach/pool activities, mid August to late September is the most ideal time to visit.
The current weather in Burlingame is cloudy with occasional sunny spells. The wind speed varies from 10 to 14 mph. The clear skies last until about 17 pm, when the sky will turn gloomy. The average hourly wind direction is southwest. At 11 am, it is mostly sunny and clear, with some cloudy periods.
The drier season lasts for 6.8 months, from April 10 to November 3. The driest month is July, with only 0.1 days that accumulate more than 0.04 inches of precipitation. The precipitation can be rain alone, snow alone, or a combination of the two. The month with the highest number of wet days is February, with an average of 7.8 days of rain alone. On February 20, there is a 29% chance of rain.
The temperature forecast for Burlingame-Hillsborough is based on the past 120 minutes of weather data. It indicates mostly cloudy weather until late Monday night, with a chance of showers in the afternoon. The next few days will be cloudy, with a few days of rain.
The climate in Burlingame is comfortable and mild. The temperature in this city typically fluctuates between 45degF and 72degF. It rarely goes below 38degF or rises above 82degF. The average high temperature is more than 69degF, and the coolest month is September with an average high of 72degF.
Mostly clear
During the spring and summer, most of Burlingame experiences mostly clear weather. During these months, there is a 90% chance that the sun will be visible in the sky. The clearest part of the year is May 27 through October 24, and the cloudiest month is August.
The drier season is 6.8 months long, and lasts from April 10 to November 3. July is the month with the least precipitation, with only 0.1 days accumulating at least 0.04 inches. Wet days are divided into two categories, rain alone or rain and snow, or a combination of the two. The wettest month is February, which averages 7.8 days of rain alone. The highest probability of rain is 29% on February 20.
From mid-August to early September, Burlingame enjoys a comfortable, dry climate with temperatures ranging from forty-five to seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures rarely dip below 37degF, and rarely rise above 82degF. During the cool season, temperatures are cool, with the highest average of 59degF on days of a sunny day.
The temperature in Burlingame fluctuates little over the year. On average, it is mid-60s during the day and mid-50s at night. Winds are light, but can be brisk after midnight. In the winter, temperatures can fall to as low as seventy degrees.
Low chance of significant precipitation
Burlingame has a low chance of significant precipitation during the winter months. In fact, January is the cloudiest month with an average of 53% cloud cover. For the entire year, the chance of precipitation varies, but it is higher in January and February, when there is an average of 7.8 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation.
The percentage of days with different types of precipitation (excluding trace amounts) are shown on the precipitation map for Burlingame. A month with a high chance of precipitation has at least 0.5 inches of precipitation, while a month with a low chance of precipitation has none at all. The lowest probability of precipitation is found during the week of May 21st, which has zero days with any significant precipitation, and the highest chance of significant precipitation is experienced during the week of December 17th, with 2 days.
Burlingame’s weather will remain mostly clear during the day and turn cloudy in the afternoon. The chance of cloud overcast is highest during the evening hours, from 5 to 11 p.m. Relative humidity will remain above 65% throughout the day and increase to 95% by 11 p.m. The wind will blow from the west at 15 mph. The average cloud coverage in Burlingame is 8%.
Average surface temperature
The average surface temperature in Burlingame varies based on the time of year. The warmest months of the year are August and September, when temperatures are above 57degF. The coolest months are April and December. However, you should note that there are some high humidity months, including March, April, and May.
The wettest month in Burlingame is January. The driest month is July. In total, the city experiences around 23.3 inches of precipitation each year. The most rainy months are February, May, and December. The driest months are July and August.
In addition to the average surface temperature, you can also see the wind speed. This data can be useful for forecasting the weather. Winds and waves are likely to cause differences in the air temperature in Burlingame, so check the forecast in advance. In addition to current information, the weather forecast in Burlingame can tell you about the air quality for the area.
Although Burlingame does not have many micro-climates, the surrounding areas experience a wide variety of weather. For example, the weather in Millbrae is usually cooler, while conditions are more comfortable in the flatlands. Meanwhile, temperatures in the inland East Bay are typically warmer.
The average surface temperature in Burlingame is usually higher in the summer and lower in the winter. However, there are several climate-related factors that make some months more comfortable than others. The most comfortable months for Burlingame are August and July, while the coolest months are December and January.
There are several factors that affect the amount of rainfall in Burlingame. While the amount of precipitation varies by season, the most common causes are heavy rainfall and high wind. The latter can cause damage to property and utilities. In addition, it can also have a negative impact on economic conditions.
Relative humidity
The climate in Burlingame, California is primarily temperate. The average temperature is above 50Fdeg C in the daytime, but cools down to around 20Deg C at night. It receives a small amount of precipitation, and the relative humidity is about 76%. The city experiences little snowfall and receives about 5mm of rain per year. However, it is not always sunny. There are some rainy days, and the relative humidity can rise to nearly 60% in the summer and 95% in the winter.
The air quality index in Burlingame, CA is 18% better than the national average. This city offers many small businesses and family-friendly neighborhoods. The average high temperature is 30.1deg in January, while the lowest is 32.1deg in October. Relative humidity in Burlingame, CA is typically below the US average of 38.1 inches per year.
Burlingame’s climate is moderately temperate, with long summers and short winters. During the summer months, temperatures usually range from 45degF to 72degF, with only occasional extremes. Temperatures rarely fall below 38degF, and rarely rise above 82degF. The average daily high is around 69degF during August and September.
The warmest months for Burlingame are April and May, but the coldest are October and November. While each month has its own unique weather pattern, there are some months with more extreme weather conditions than others. For example, May is known for being the windiest, with an average wind speed of 12 knots, or 13.8 MPH (or 22.2 KPH). These are both strong breezes. To better understand the climate of Burlingame, you can look at the graph below.
The driest months in Burlingame are July and August. During this time, the region is overcast 53% of the time. The wettest month, February, has an average of 7.8 days of precipitation, with a peak of 29% on February 20.